The itinerary for this
crazy week:
Sunday, 12:15 AM - Arrive at airport, drive 2 hours south to Denali (w/o need for headlights), wait .5 hours at roadblock for forest fire, meet roommate, get to cabin at 3:30 AM, bed sheets on, go to sleep, wake up at 7:00, unpack bags, gas up boss's jeep, meet boss, drive 15 miles to hike up savage creek, see moose*, caribou*, grizzly bear*, mountain goat, drive back, dinner at boss's house, see office, bed.
Monday, 8:00 AM - Arrive at work, get flight suit, helmet, pack equipment, meet helicopter pilot, lift off at 10:00*, visit 2 sound stations for data download and 1 airstrip for fuel, return at 1:00, learn office stuff until 6:30, meet people at camp, go to bed.
Tuesday - Hike 3.5 miles up a dry riverbed, gaining 2000 ft in elevation, carrying 50 lbs of equipment, set up equipment, discover broken mic pre-amp, give the thumbs down, hike back.
Wednesday - Drive 80 miles on 1 lane mountain pass*, get picked up by helicopter, visit 2 stations, stand on a glacier*, return home. Duration: 13 hours.
Thursday - Learn the rest of office stuff, have my 40 hours in at 11:00 AM, go to boss's going away party, boss leaves for new job, go to local bar (an old caboose) w/ fellow cabiners, bed.
Today - Sleep in, read old email correspondence about equipment, fill out HR paperwork, let them be pissed because I've been here for a week without them knowing, write this blog entry, ....
* = a first for Jared.
The pictures tell most of the story. Click them for a big version.
My cellphone works here, so feel free to call me and say hi, but remember the 4 hour time difference.
No address yet. Will update next week.