Week 1 In Denali

Sunday, 12:15 AM - Arrive at airport, drive 2 hours south to Denali (w/o need for headlights), wait .5 hours at roadblock for forest fire, meet roommate, get to cabin at 3:30 AM, bed sheets on, go to sleep, wake up at 7:00, unpack bags, gas up boss's jeep, meet boss, drive 15 miles to hike up savage creek, see moose*, caribou*, grizzly bear*, mountain goat, drive back, dinner at boss's house, see office, bed.
Monday, 8:00 AM - Arrive at work, get flight suit, helmet, pack equipment, meet helicopter pilot, lift off at 10:00*, visit 2 sound stations for data download and 1 airstrip for fuel, return at 1:00, learn office stuff until 6:30, meet people at camp, go to bed.
Tuesday - Hike 3.5 miles up a dry riverbed, gaining 2000 ft in elevation, carrying 50 lbs of equipment, set up equipment, discover broken mic pre-amp, give the thumbs down, hike back.
Wednesday - Drive 80 miles on 1 lane mountain pass*, get picked up by helicopter, visit 2 stations, stand on a glacier*, return home. Duration: 13 hours.
Thursday - Learn the rest of office stuff, have my 40 hours in at 11:00 AM, go to boss's going away party, boss leaves for new job, go to local bar (an old caboose) w/ fellow cabiners, bed.
Today - Sleep in, read old email correspondence about equipment, fill out HR paperwork, let them be pissed because I've been here for a week without them knowing, write this blog entry, ....
* = a first for Jared.
The pictures tell most of the story. Click them for a big version.
My cellphone works here, so feel free to call me and say hi, but remember the 4 hour time difference.
No address yet. Will update next week.
hey jared, thats awesome!..will catch up with you sometime soon...Take care and keep the blogs coming in!
Hey Jared. This stuff is really cool. I dont' think I'm going to be able to get myself to go in to work Monday AM unless I can go by helicopter and fly over bears. Keep posting. I want to live vicariously. . . mac
NICE SHOOT!!!!! maybe we can have a few shoots of the wildlife. How about you wresling one of the bears!!!! Have fun and watch your back. keep posting
Gary C
It looks like the most beautiful, wild place in the world, and that's only after four pictures! I can't wait to see more. Even with 50 other pounds of equipment I hope you never start deciding to cut weight by leaving your camera at home.
Whats up man? Sounds like you're going to have a VERY eventful summer. Hope to see some pics of some wildlife. Try to get them all in one picture... like a moose running at you while a grizzly bear mauls a caribou or something. That'd be an amazing shot. Alright, take it easier...er... or soemthing. Looking forward to reading/seeing more. Dont get eaten.
Not-so-patiently waiting for an Alaskan update.
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