Heeere Kitty-Kitty-Kitty

60 degrees and sunny! Spring is finally here, and I'm happy about it.
I saw this furball yesterday while out biking. It was kind enough to pose without layers of trees and bushes between us, which is rare. They are usually much more skittish.
I've been trying to get out on the bike as much as possible in preparation for a 9-hour mountain bike relay that Cheri, her friend Kari, and I are signed up for May 15th in western Maryland. Should be fun!
Awesome picture of the lynx. I still remember the time we saw the rear end of one on our bike ride from Teklanika to the wildlife closure.
Emily and I are sad that we won't be returning to Denali this summer. After graduating in March, she got a job teaching at a small university nearby, so we'll be sticking around Bellingham. Actually, I guess we're not too sad considering that B'ham is blessed with 4 months of sun and 75 degree weather all summer long.
The mountain bike race sounds awesome. I've gotten into road biking over the last couple years. Last September, I invested in a nice Trek Madone. It was too much money, but it's totally worth it. I'll be competing in a bunch of races around here this summer. Of course, none of them are 9 hours long. You're hardcore, man.
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