Pond Hockey
For years there have been pickup hockey games every Sunday at Speaks's pond in McKinley Village. I picked up some used skates for $25 in Fairbanks and have been enjoying joining in the games. The pace is fast but friendly, and everyone that comes to brave the cold has a great time. The talented players drink beer while the beginners (me) suck wind, slurp water, and sweat our asses off.
Beer I understand but how do you keep the water from freezing? It's been cold and a lot of snow around here this year but it's close to over I think.
Planning on doing it up big this year with the Scouts, it's the Centennial for Scouts in America. I plan on attending the National Jamboree, hiking in Shennandoah, and perhaps the Smokies. Should be fun if work will leave me alone.
Ryan just got back from a meeting at Ohio U. to check it out for classes, he'll check out Bowling Green Ohio and Kent also.
Later, Steve
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