Can't think of a title...
Doing well here. Just keeping up with the summer craziness of trips, fieldwork, and socializing.
This season has been unseasonably dry, which has made for lots of warm sunny days and also lots of wildfires and smoke when the wind blows the wrong direction. Overall I think it's an improvement over the 30 days of rain we had last July.
Just wanted to share a few pics from my recent trip to MD, NYC, and VT (didn't take a single picture in VT though).
The NYC ground pounders in Central Park.

Hey Jared: sounds like your travels continue-I cant beleive we didnt take one picture in Denver! Grandma Newell turned over in her grave! Got a funny one--Marcus got his college roommate assignment and the guy is from Kasilof Alaska!
Should be interesting. Come back to Denver soon. Judi
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