It's Dark In Alaska

Finally got to set the telescope up. Took this shot of Andromeda galaxy from my front yard a few weeks ago. It is 85 minutes exposure time through my 300mm lens riding atop the telescope as it tracks the movement of the stars. Next step will be photographing through the telescope, which is much more challenging because its focal length is 2000mm and therefore much more sensitive to alignment and tracking errors. Although, before that can happen, it needs to stop being cloudy!
We had some good snow on the ground but last night we got a south wind and 40 degree temps and it seems to be set to melt away.
Most of my summer friends have flown the coup for the winter, but there are an unusually high number of people staying for the duration compared to the last few years, so I'll have some company.
Hope everyone is well!
Keep on truckin'
Are you sure that's Andromeda? Looks more like Triangulum to me. Check the compass, you might be looking in the wrong direction. ;-)
Jared, Nice to see you've had company, "kicked her back on the train?", you'll wear her out that way. So nice to see the pictures, good ones too, so keep those coming. I'll be going to visit Ryan at Cleveland this weekend to see him play in an Ultimate Frisbee Tournament. Should be fun, Jason will tag along. He is getting financing set up for some college courses he'll take soon. Based in the IT area. Wish him well. Hope to see you this holiday season.
Uncle Steve
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