The Bus
Hey everyone!
They say spring is coming, but it doesn't feel like it to me. Although our month-long cold snap appears to be breaking and the daytime temps are back above zero.
Yesterday I got to do a snowmobile trip to set up some equipment. I was excited because there is an old bus about 20 miles in that was made famous by a guy who attempted to "live off the land" in the early 90's and later starved to death in it. His family then visited the bus and cached survival gear along with some of Chris's things like his boots, some of his journal notes, and a copy of the magazine article written about him shortly after he died. The book Into the Wild was written about his life and now lots of people (crazy hippies mostly) make their pilgrimage out to see the bus. I'm not a crazy hippie, but I did enjoy the book, and it was cool see the conditions under which he tried to survive. So I figured I'd post some pictures for my friends who also know the story.
The requisite pose