Jared is Back in Alaska!
I made it back! My cross-country drive was great, and it made me think I could actually make it as a professional trucker. Thanks to all my friends who put me up and entertained me. It was nice to have places to stop and relax so as not to go insane from all the driving. And thanks to my new truck for making the whole 5500+ miles without any problems.
I'm back to work this week (that first pay check won't get here a moment too soon) and gearing up to put out some new sound monitoring equipment. The days are longer than when I left and we have about 1.5 feet of snow. I went out XC skiing every day over the holiday weekend and am having lots of fun exploring all the local trails. I think Toad would be jealous.
Here are some pictures I took while travelling.

Snowshoeing at Grand Tetons NP
Snowmobiling in Yellowstone.

Sunrise over a foggy island, from the Alaska Highway in the Yukon Territory.

Well, that's about it for now. I'll be back to posting regularly now that I am back here and more out of touch with everyone. Hope it's getting warmer back in Ohio, or Erin might act on her threat to move to balmy Alaska (she thinks she's funny...)!