Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Cabin Boy and Big Rocks

Hey Everyone.

I thought I'd give you a photo tour of my cabin to celebrate getting my 2nd new camera of the summer, but the website won't let me upload the cool wide-angle pictures I took of the inside. It's basically just a kitchen/living room and 2 bedrooms. Use your imagination (I'll give you a hint: it's not very clean inside). The bathrooms and showers are in a central building. You can see the front in the photo above.

The weather has been beautiful here for the last week or so. Before that, we had about 3 weeks of rain. Saturday was a volleyball tourny and cookout down in the gorge (tourist area). We made it to the semi's and lost, but everyone was a winner when it came to the free food!

Sunday I hiked up to the Iradics, which are these two huge rocks that sit up on the tundra for no good reason. They look allot smaller from down at the road.

I think trading ants, spiders, snakes, poison ivy, poison oak, chiggers and nettles for about a billion mosquitoes is a pretty fair trade. At least when you want to lay down an take a nap in the soft tundra on a warm afternoon (with a head net on).

Yesterday I flew out to 4 sound stations. Three were good, and one got knocked over by a bear with 2 or 3 cubs. The recording is really cool though. The cubs sound like baby people. Email me if you want to hear it and I will send you an mp3.

This weekend will either be sea kayaking or the Anderson bluegrass festival. I'll let you know how it goes.

Hope everyone is doing well.


Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Hey all.

Yesterday the mountain was out for the first time since I've been here (almost a month). I commandeered a government truck and snapped a picture. An hour later, it was behind the clouds again. From where I took the picture, it's about 70 miles away.

Got to see a caribou close up yesterday. I was hiking up the stream bed and he was coming down it. I yielded. Those antlers are big.

Friday I saw a bluegrass band whose banjo player just happened to live down the street from me in Athens (Junior from Slim Pickins). I didn't know he was in the band until I got there. He was glad to see someone there with an OU shirt on.

My camera is dead as a doornail. I ordered a new one yesterday along with a dry bag made for white water rafting. Hopefully you'll see some good shots in a week or so.

Got two helicopter rides this week. Two sound stations were destroyed by bear (apparently they don't mind the electric fence) and one was chewed up by sheep. Looks like I have my work cut out for me...

Hope everyone is having a good summer. Take it easy.


Thursday, July 06, 2006

My friend, former neighbor and roommate, Kaleb McCutcheon passed away on Monday morning of cancer. I want to give Mac, Becky, Molly, and all of Kalebs many friends my condolences. I will be thinking of you guys in my absence of the services.

I will miss his cynical sense of humor and times spent hanging out at the crack house.
