Cabin Boy and Big Rocks

Hey Everyone.
I thought I'd give you a photo tour of my cabin to celebrate getting my 2nd new camera of the summer, but the website won't let me upload the cool wide-angle pictures I took of the inside. It's basically just a kitchen/living room and 2 bedrooms. Use your imagination (I'll give you a hint: it's not very clean inside). The bathrooms and showers are in a central building. You can see the front in the photo above.
The weather has been beautiful here for the last week or so. Before that, we had about 3 weeks of rain. Saturday was a volleyball tourny and cookout down in the gorge (tourist area). We made it to the semi's and lost, but everyone was a winner when it came to the free food!
Sunday I hiked up to the Iradics, which are these two huge rocks that sit up on the tundra for no good reason. They look allot smaller from down at the road.
I think trading ants, spiders, snakes, poison ivy, poison oak, chiggers and nettles for about a billion mosquitoes is a pretty fair trade. At least when you want to lay down an take a nap in the soft tundra on a warm afternoon (with a head net on).
Yesterday I flew out to 4 sound stations. Three were good, and one got knocked over by a bear with 2 or 3 cubs. The recording is really cool though. The cubs sound like baby people. Email me if you want to hear it and I will send you an mp3.
This weekend will either be sea kayaking or the Anderson bluegrass festival. I'll let you know how it goes.
Hope everyone is doing well.