Saturday, May 12, 2007

Happy Mothers Day Post

It's been a while since I've updated, sorry about that.

Nothing too big has been happening lately. Just getting to know all the new seasonal employees and starting all of this years fieldwork stuff.

Last week I got to help out with an aerial snow survey, which was fun. This involved loading up in a really small airplane and flying over a series of snow depth markers. These are just poles stuck in the ground with colored slats on them at 1 foot increments. You count how many slats aren't buried in the snow and subtract that from how many slats are on the pole and you know how many feet deep the snow is. Rocket science...

I got a new telephoto lens for my camera, so expect some good wildlife shots this season...

It's snowing here. Nothing like those May flurries. I bet all the girls are out working on their tans in Athens right now.

Wolverine tracks in the snow.
Taken from the window of a Cessna 185. Denali partially shrouded.
Not a sled dog!

Will, Me, and Ian on top of Cathedral Mountain. Ian's head is blocking Denali.

So HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all the moms tomorrow, especially mine!


At 7:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jared, Some great pictures as usual. Is the wolf alive or dead. Looks remarkably well to be dead. I'm a little jealous but looking forward to my outing to Philmont in New Mexico in August. We may expect snow on the mountain tops I suppose. Otherwise it's going to be a lot warmer. Take care of yourself. Uncle Steve

At 9:26 AM, Blogger Jared said...

Wolf is alive. I took a bunch of cool shots of it rolling around in the snow, but most were blurry because it was getting dark and I was trying to handhold a 300mm lens...


At 11:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 11:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 10:39 AM, Blogger Toad said...

I thought the wolf was dead. I like the fox.

At 6:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Granted, this can be partly because there's always generally very little closeness or intimacy between two paid performers, as well as the nature of an sizegenetics film set -- weird lighting, multiple cameras pointing at you, creepy directors barking orders, etc. -- will not be among the most conducive to complete, uninhibited pleasure. With that said, if massive penises were truly magical pleasure rods that could make any woman thrash uncontrollably with little effort, it stands to reason that this female stars in sizegenetics films wouldn't need to try so hard to appear like they were enjoying the experience.


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